File Specification
This page describes the syntax that you can use in the instruction
files you give the core. This syntax is valid as of release 0.3.1
of the core.
AMaMP input files are text based. The input file consists of a list
of named chunks, which are in the format:-
chunktype name {
Data detailing
a particular chunk is contained between the { and }. While whitespace
in terms of multiple tabs and spaces is not important (so long as
there is at least some whitespace between things), line breaks are
significant. A line break is the statement seperator for AMaMP input
files. Both the name of the chunk and the chunk type and other "keywords"
will be case sensitive. If the parser sees a keyword unexpectedly
or encounters any other kind of syntactical error, it will exit
immediately and display a message that will hopefully help you track
down the error.
Chunks are used to define input sources (inputs), where data goes
(outputs), where in the output the input sources feature (placements)
and effects. It is not important to have all the outputs and inputs
before the placements that use them, or all together at the start
of the file. Doing so will have no effect on performance.
Each chunk must
have a unique name, called an identifier. This identifier may contain
alphanumerics and the underscore character, and is case sensitive.
The uniqueness is not dependent on chunk type either - that is,
you cannot have an input and an output with the same name.
The following documentation describes the various chunks that are
available, what data you must associate with them and what data
you can optionally associate with them.
Global Chunk
This chunk allows global settings to be defined. It is optional
as of AMaMP Core 0.3. If you choose to supply it then it must be
the first chunk that appears in an instruction file.
A Global chunk
might look like this:-
Global {
BaseSamplingRate 44100 BaseChannels 2
defines the sampling rate that offsets will be specified in terms
of and that the audio will me mixed at internally. Be aware that
if this is not at least equal to the highest sampling rate of the
outputs, you will not be making optimum use of the output's precision.
Be equally aware that if you supply a value that is way above the
highest sampling rate of the outputs, you're going to waste a lot
of CPU cycles. If that doesn't scare you enough into working out
a good value, take into account the small loss in placement precision
if you use a value that isn't divisible by the sampling rates of
the output files. The default is 44100.
defines the number of channels that audio will be represented as
having when it is mixed. Inputs and outputs may provide or accept
different numbers of channels.
FileInput Chunk
This chunk allows you to define an input source that will take data
from a file. An example file input chunk will look like this:-
FileInput drums { Format WAVEPCM
Path "C:\Path\To\Sound.wav"
The optional
Format keyword is to be followed by the name of the module that
will handle the input file. A full list of these is available. You
can use the keyword Module in place of Format. If you do not specify
the format of the file, the core will attempt to guess based upon
the extension and possibly other conditions, though this will slow
down parsing.
The additional
parameters of a FileInput chunk depend on the format in question;
the majority of file formats only take a Path parameter, which is
the path to the file. If the path contains spaces, it should be
enclosed in double quotes. For more information on the required
parameters for different formats, see the documentation for the
module that handles that format.
StreamInput Chunk
This chunk allows you to describe an input that will take data from
a source that is continuously producing (real-time) data, e.g. data
from line-in on a sound card. The simplest StreamInput chunk will
not have any parameters:-
StreamInput voiceover {
This will usually
do the right thing (e.g. use the default streaming input module
to take input from the soundcard), however you may wish to be a
little more specific.
StreamInput voiceover { Module Win32Wave SamplingRate 44100 BitDepth 16 Channels 1
The Module keyword
allows you to choose to use a particular module. The remaining parameters
depend on the module, however those collecting data from a soundcard
will usually support the three named above.
GeneratorInput Chunk
This chunk allows you to describe an input that will generate data
as it is required. An example of a module of this type would be
a synthesiser.
GeneratorInput squarewave { Module FourierSynthesis WaveForm Square Frequency 2000
The Module keyword
is required for all GeneratorInput chunks and specifies the name
of the module that will be used to generate the signal.
The parameters
that a generator input will take vary widely between modules, so
reference to the documentation will be essential.
FileOutput Chunk
This chunk allows you to define an output that will write data to
a file. A FileOutput chunk might look like this:-
FileOutput wavefileout {
Format WAVEPCM Path "C:\Path\To\MixDown.wav"
SamplingRate 44100
BitDepth 16
Channels 2
The optional
Format keyword is to be followed by the name of the module that
will handle writing a file or the desired type. A full list of these
is available. You can use the keyword Module in place of Format.
If you do not specify the format of the file, the core will attempt
to guess which format is wanted based upon the extension, though
this will slow down parsing.
Path is a path
to the output file, and an absoloute path is recommended. AMaMP
will not ask if you really wish to overwrite an existing file of
the same name.
The additional
parameters of a FileOutput chunk depend on the format in question;
many modules will have a set of defaults. See the documentation
for the module you are interested in for more information.
StreamOutput Chunk
This chunk allows you to defines an output that needs data to be
passed to it in realtime. The usual example of this will be the
soundcard. The simplest StreamOutput chunk will not have any parameters:-
StreamOutput speakers {
This will usually
do the right thing (e.g. use the default streaming output module
to send data to the soundcard), however you may wish to be a little
more specific.
StreamOutput speakers { Module Win32Wave SamplingRate 44100 BitDepth 16 Channels 1
The Module keyword
allows you to choose to use a particular module to handle the output.
The remaining parameters depend on the module, however those playing
sound through a soundcard will usually support the three named above.
DataOutput Chunk
This chunk allows you to define an output that will generate some
kind of data based upon the audio stream generated from the mix
down. An example of this would be a module that sends data, via
IPC messages, to a front end to enable it to render a VU (volume
level) meter or a waveform plot. An DataOutput chunk might look
like this:-
DataOutput vu { Module VUMeter ValueFrequncy 20
The Module keyword
is required, and defines the name of the module that will handle
the generation of the output data. The rest of the parameters vary
widely between different modules and more details can be found the
documentation for the module in question.
Placement Chunk
This chunk allows you to place data from an input in an output stream
at a certain sample offset. A placement chunk might looks like this:-
Placement drums1 {
Input drums
Output wavefileout Effects shortdelay, harshflange
SampleOffset 110250 | TimeOffset 2.5
StartSample 11025 | StartTime 0.25
EndSample 220500 | EndTime 5.0
Volume 1
Pan 0
Input is the
name of the input source to place. What type of input it is does
not matter.
Output is optional,
and if omitted the placement will be routed to all outputs. To route
the sound to multiple outputs, specify the identifiers of those
outputs, seperated by commas (,) if there is more than one of them.
Effects is optional
and allows you to provide a list of Effect chunk identifiers separated
by commas. These effects will be applied to the placement before
it is sent to the outputs. By default, no effects are applied.
You must supply
one of SampleOffset or TimeOffset. These specify where in the output
the input will be placed. It is specifed by giving an offset in
terms of samples or seconds from the first sample in the output,
where the first sample is numbered 0. The sampling rate used for
these offsets is the one set in the Global chunk using the BaseSamplingRate
and EndSample/EndTime are optional. They allow on-the-fly non-destructive
trimming of an input, enabling you to set the sample (relative to
the base sampling rate) or time that playback of the sample is from
and to. Incorrect usage of these (e.g. using values too large or
too small) will result in a warning being emitted and the start
and end of the input being used in place of your StartSample and
EndSample values respectively.
Volume is optional.
A value of 1 will leave the placement at its default volume, 2 will
double the volume, 0.5 will halve it, etc.
Pan is optional,
and controls the left/right output balance. 0 routes output equally
to both channels, -1 shifts the output entirely to the left channel
and 1 shifts the output entirely to the right channel.
Effect Chunk
This chunk allows you to create an instance of a particular effect
module with a certain set of parameters. You will always need to
pass a Module parameter, which is the name of the effect module
that will be used for this effect chunk. The rest of the parameters
depend on the effect module you are using, and you should see the
documentation for an effect module to see what parameters it requires.
An Effect chunk might look like this:-
Effect mydelay {
Module Delay
... Other Prams Here ...
You can create
as many Effect chunks as you wish for a particular effect module.
IPC messages sent to effect modules are sent on a per-chunk basis
too. That means that you can tie many placements to one effect chunk
and modify the parameters for all of these placements at once as
the effect module allows.